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New Jamaica PPA details disclosed

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100 MW renewable energy being sought in this latest call

Durrant Pate/Contributor

Jamaica has gone to market for 100 megawatts (MW) of renewable power, as the authorities have divulged the details of its planned Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) being sought through Requests For Proposals (RFP).

The draft PPA term sheet just released by Jamaica’s Generation Procurement Entity (GPE), which issued a call for expressions of interest last month, outlined the process by which the government is seeking to procure PPAs for 100MW of renewable energy on a build, own and operate basis for an initial period of 20 years.

Based on the draft PPA term sheet winners of the bidding process will enter into PPAs with the buyer, the Jamaica Public Service Company. These PPAs are eligible for an extension, subject to approval from the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR), which regulates Jamaica’s energy sector.

The term sheet addresses risks, construction security deposits, payment and currency, termination, and force majeure, among other areas. GPE also published the draft term sheet for the RFPs.

Response period extended

In the meantime, the consultation period has been extended to July 7 with the end of the response period being pushed back to July 21 with expressions of interest now due by July 28. The Government of Jamaica back in 2018 increased its renewables target to 50% from 30% by 2030.

In making the declaration at that time, Prime Minister, Andrew Holness said, “we are working even harder to a more ambitious target to reach 50% of our electricity generation being from renewables by 2030. Pushing our energy generation to be 50-50 by 2030; fossil fuels and renewables is in our national security interest, in our survival interest.”

He added that at present pace the previous target of 30% could be achieved by 2020 if the country remains on track in diversifying its energy use.


GPE’s Tender Documents: