About The Generation Procurement Entity
The Generation Procurement Entity (GPE) was re-established January 2020 by way of Cabinet Decision for the purpose of processing new generating capacity.
What We Do

The Generation Procurement Entity (GPE) is mandated by the Government of Jamaica to develop and implement the process for the procurement of new generating capacity by means of competitive bidding, by potential independent power producers (IPPs) for sale of electricity to Jamaica’s Single Buyer. Such IPPs may be local and/or international in which the GPE would be required to engage in an open and transparent manner. The GPE is also mandated to lead and manage the implementation and replacement of baseload generation in keeping with the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) which projects a twenty-year electricity generation requirement for Jamaica.
How We Do It

Our approach is to encourage thoughtful, evidence-based, and data-informed procurement decision making. Our work is driven by the objectives established in the Electricity Act, 2015, coupled with our goal to promote the highest standards of energy procurement in Jamaica aligned with international best practices, through continuous development of energy procurement guidelines, digital solutions implementation, professional development, and advisory.
Meet The Team Behind The Generation Procurement Entity GPE Members
Why We Do It

Our work is driven by the objectives set out in the Electricity Act, 2015 and the Integrated Resource Plan.
The Team

The GPE consist of members with diverse skill sets, experiences, and backgrounds to provide sound strategic direction for the Entity.